Poetry, songs, rhymes

The world through word

By Ian | 11 December, 2012

This section contains a couple of poems which I have written to capture how I felt or what I have seen.

Sometimes a rhyme or a couple of sentence fragments come into my mind and then I feel the urge to write something, or I just want to describe something in words.

Some of the poems are from my youth when I had a mad binge in poetry writing. I have been in clinch with myself whether I should include them here or not, as my style has changed over the years, however I have decided to included them for documentation reasons.

A bit of background as to why I write can be read here.


If you like a poem, please feel free to use it, under the condition that you follow the guidelines as in the Use of materials.

As I Know She Stood Before The Alter

Feel the time, heavy,
Weighing on my heart, like lead,
A fixture, not removable, screwed, bolted, welded.
It’s happening, feeling it, right now, or has...

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Feel My Heart

I’ve seen the sun, the moon, the stars
Beauty of the world, divine...

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Greens and Browns

Ripening, lady light, red, well,
From seed, grown, lovingly, grafted,
Pottered, lustrum long, being kilned,
Creative, energies, simmering,...

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The Knife Strong It Cuts The Love


the garden, well kept, within
bordered, walled, pikes of trust
chance encounter, the bag spilt
seeds, feelings, sprouting


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Who Wants A Girlfriend

Who Wants A Girlfriend
(they kick you in the ‘ip?)

When you’re starting to like them,
they smile at you, causing you to quip


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You're driving me mad, Yes You Do

You’re driving me mad
Yes you are, Yes you do
With your tales of past ages
And dragons and sages...

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Autumn Change

Hanging, waiting, thinking
Flecks of brown, sinking
Floating, from freckled arms
Blue sky, speaking psalms
Sun lovers, faces seeking...

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It Hurts

The door closes.
I know it is you
Just know it
It hurts...

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The Dot

The Dot
Small, and insignificant
Ready, to wait, in the right place
Hanging, somewhere, somewhere safe...

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The Knight of the Odd Order

Knight of the Odd Order, on his quest for truth
rode the tree lined allees, of teutonic you’th
where the bear was at home, thick forest and glen
in a far away land, was once Richard’s Den...

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