name: front class: center inverse # °One An Overview _One base ~ One worship ~ One brotherhood_ .two-columns-left[ .left[ Status: <a href ="/lifecycles/fragma">Fragma</a> <br /> Date: 25 May, 2017<br /> Author: Ian Williams<br /> © [thinkMe](<br /> ] ] .footer[.footnote[_making life better..._] ] --- # About _one church across the world_ .left-page[ One common church * Where anybody is welcome * Christ, Muslem... * Black, white One common event * Spend time together * Being joyful * Celebrating what we have One common community ] .right-page[ One common set * Ethics * Common prayer * Songs Unrelated to a person, doctrine, religion Different flavours: * Music * How to celebrate ] --- class: center middle inverse # Mission ## Create one "church" ### For people to congregate under ### Share beliefs ### Base for migration of religions --- # Needs .left-page[ ## End users * Place to go and worship * Place to meditate * Community * Mental nourishment ] .right-page[ ## Society * One common worship and beliefs* * Breakdown of barriers * Strengthening of communities ] .footnote[*Most wars are religious wars.] --- class: center middle inverse # Enterprise ### Or what's needed, being built, being offered --- # Making a difference _The next steps..._ .left-page[ ## How should it be * Pilot ## Materials * Info sites - web, facebook * Multilanguages * How to's, flyers ## Community and partners * Building community traction * Contact with similar groups ] .right-page[ ## Join us * Sponsoring * Content, stories, translations * Community support * PR work ] --- exclude: true # Venture canvas Key partners: * TBD Key activities: * Charter * People Key resources: * TBD Value proposition: * One religion * Services * Time together * One ACIM * Living ethics * Vocation * Songs * Churches Cx relations: * Site * Blog * Docus Cx channels: * Priests info * Directory Cx segments: * Individuals * Churches * Religions * Priests Costs: * TBD Revenue streams: * TBD * --- class: inverse center middle ## Thank you! Ian Williams <a href=""><i class="far fa-envelope"></i></a> For more information: <a href=""></a>