28 August, 2012
Quiet, empty, cold, minimal
The plain bar, wooden
Industrious Eve’s, shifting space
Bauhaus driven, Gestalten
Pregnant, the event horizon, near
Ruffian, part glasses, small, the star
Italian ancestors, danger in name
Concentrated, reserved, quiet, thinking
Sorting, hanging, planning
Pony Tail, Swings
Outside, lonely street, short
Sprayed walls, gloomy looking to opposite emptiness
The park, quiet, lonely, fades grey on the door step
Absorbing, dampening, the dance of tones, from open door
Iron and side, hand rules, thinking, protecting
Driving, Turbo Tuesday, interact
Silently forcing
Platform building, connecting
Pony Tail, Swings and Moves
Coffee machine, eyes shut, hibernates
Pulsing dubstep, VAGE atmosphere
A splash of whiskey, iced, savours the smoked air
Battered sofa, under weight, cool talks
An artists night, Facebook’d, blogged
One wall, evenings delight
Posters hang, grouped, left, perceptual perception
Virgin poster, wide, un-defaced, right, logical deception
Pony Tail, French Genetics, Swings and Moves
Small wall, in between worlds
Selling space, bargain graphics, signed
Postcard, lonely, waiting diligently, cold, on floor, lost
Hung symmetrical, its siblings now at angles, waiting to join
The short back and sides, rests
Yawns, a bored lion, hunting prospects, tired
Poking, smouldering To Dos, in the grate, with iron
Week end in, week end out, pleased
Pony Tail, Niagara Falls Splashed, Mixes Drink
Morning still young
Souls drifting in, from the dark, murky perimeter
A 3’er here, a 4’er there
Three rocket scientists, standing, quietly, alone
Jane Austen’s heroin, kick starting
Slow, motioned, a line appears
Paper defiled, or new born, statement’s
Changing world, now or never, happening
Pony Tail, Concentrated, Opens Bottle
Anglo, phrases saxonised, vocal ribbons, firing
Hanging, to ear, from wall to wall
Fragments, distorted, Teutonic distant
Laughter from a table of four
Homophiliacs, at bar, laughing, at ease
New home, rubber tired, outside, ready for adventure
Story telling, chit chat, jokes
Warnings, of evil woman, punching
Pony Tail, Still, Listening
DJ, from hole in the wall, escaped
Sonic backdrop, auto piloted
Refuelling cortex, container in hand
Refuelled, trailing back, auditory control
Short, like a cat, the glasses, moves
Tap, tap, tapping, the felt tip, on wrist, taps
The pen, coughing its last life, for humanity
Lines, extending, bearing, uncurling, complimenting
Pony Tail, Eating Carrot, On The Move
Woolly hat number one, shrinked trousers, unease
Being trawl-lined, none stop vocalist
Woolly hat number two, at ease
Chatting, pony tail, smiling
Brisbanian Wizard, of lines, back to room
Grey capped, short fag, drawing energy
A face, black glasses, tongue, long, boxing
The work in progress, slowly, unfolding
Pony Tail, Bar Spirit, Serving
The spirit, in a bar, in a room, in a city
City a slumber, spirits wandering
Artists, intermingled, creative spirit
A moment of time, the bar spirit in all
- Aliens
- Autumn
- Bar
- Being a Man
- Being Hurt
- Birthday Wishes
- Bonding
- Book of Life
- Chance
- Cold Shoulder
- Curious
- Descriptive
- Dogs
- Evening
- Exams
- Falling
- Family
- Family Life
- Family Love
- Father
- February
- Feel like an Idiot
- Feelings
- Finishing
- Flying
- Freedom
- Heart
- Heart Healing Tour
- Heavy Metal
- Horror
- Insanity
- Kids
- Knitting
- Landscapes
- Laughing
- Long
- Loss
- Love
- Mice
- Misuse
- Moonlight
- Māori
- Night
- Offering Help
- Pain
- Painters
- Poems
- Poetry
- Portraits
- Regret
- Rooms
- SciFi
- Secrets
- Sein
- Self
- Short
- Skype
- Smile
- Society
- Spray Cans
- Sprayer
- Trail
- Turbo Tuesday
- Unborn
- Valentine
- Values
- Very Short
- Waiting
- Wallpainting
- Who Are You
- Wildlife
- Wishes
- Women