
23 August, 1975

Epiglotti are not raisins but fingers insert them.
Climbing horizontally through mazes we come to
Monstrous entities of pith-like minds.
Vineyards never green hypnotise or destroy each
Lip that manages upsurgence, ripples or death.
Man, unable to telepathize systematically, can
Blow bubbles whilst submerged upwards in matter.
Nuclear circumsections destruct.
Pennyless throats pain enlighten themselves
Whilst eating marblea; gall, noses and stones
Fling sparrows twilst sauntering ultra-rapidly.
Tonec burps raucously, gases secrete as layers
Of sedimentation.

Pianos excrete purple examinations while marsupials
Indulge in less strenuous activities.
Torsos live up to their pianos Nibs lie.
However blunt turnips, like those used in writing
Classes don’t lie so effectively.
Bullets are good killers, but peace is quite
Handicapped in this field.
Now I shall begin.

Atom minds of cows compose destructively in to
Blue waters of thoughts.
Grass can also follow the winds of space that
Flow through the celestial squares of black
Starless space
Can man or reader follow himself or this whilst
Living an existence of life that is death.