30 March, 2013
Headphones LED, blinking blue
Reflecting on the screen
Like a life support system
Telling me that I am still alive
Motionless, the green round chat symbol
Online. No 1 or 2 or 3
I look, hope still there, though I know it never will be
No Hi, no smiley, no whisper of life
The other life, forever dead
Like me
Even though I smile
Head, soul, winter iced
Tired, but not wanting to sleep
Another wanting, deep down, deep deep down
The love that is, the love that was
Sad, grey, dark mist, swirling below
Another time, our bodies, lay, touched, lived
As though captured, in a time capsule
Of timeless beauty, shut away, from half believes, precious
Delicate, priceless
Our bodies knew, we knew
The wonder, another happening
The 25th, a present, from friends near
And now locked away
From commerce rationalised
Collateral damage
The bowed bass of “Seven Days Of Falling”, drohning
Mirroring my heart, being slowly, ripped, apart
Seven days of falling
The quiet hi-hat softly pounding
As though it will never end, the
Seven days of falling
The bass, constantly remembering
Our hearts, still bonded
Seven days of falling
Seven days its been
When the knife was drawn
Seven days
Seven days of sadness
Seven days of falling
Seven days of tearing
Seven days it snowed
Seven days I know
Seven days I have been falling
- Aliens
- Autumn
- Bar
- Being a Man
- Being Hurt
- Birthday Wishes
- Bonding
- Book of Life
- Chance
- Cold Shoulder
- Curious
- Descriptive
- Dogs
- Evening
- Exams
- Falling
- Family
- Family Life
- Family Love
- Father
- February
- Feel like an Idiot
- Feelings
- Finishing
- Flying
- Freedom
- Heart
- Heart Healing Tour
- Heavy Metal
- Horror
- Insanity
- Kids
- Knitting
- Landscapes
- Laughing
- Long
- Loss
- Love
- Mice
- Misuse
- Moonlight
- Māori
- Night
- Offering Help
- Pain
- Painters
- Poems
- Poetry
- Portraits
- Regret
- Rooms
- SciFi
- Secrets
- Sein
- Self
- Short
- Skype
- Smile
- Society
- Spray Cans
- Sprayer
- Trail
- Turbo Tuesday
- Unborn
- Valentine
- Values
- Very Short
- Waiting
- Wallpainting
- Who Are You
- Wildlife
- Wishes
- Women