That Smile

10 September, 2012

Opening, a smile.
A smile as though the sun is rising in the sky,
the tangerine glowingness, unfolds,
getting stronger, pouring its warmth, laimė,
pure granulated love, flowing, a sparkling stream,
diamonds in a bowed path, to the heart.
The aura glowing, an energy vortex.

Unbelieving, riveted, all senses pulsing to alert, recording,
not daring to miss.
Oh yea… to drink, to bathe, to soak, in the stream,
to capture The Unbelievable.

The Dornröschen heart unfolds,
slowly, overdrive, 33 tact.

One heart beat.

Time slewed.

Event horizon,
not daring to miss,
feeling the tug, wanting to let go,
screaming to let go.
To be one.

Soul rising, born by the angel within, from gossamer wings.

Closing, the smile, evaporating, in slow motion,
the love leaking away,
as though the sun nips behind sudden grey clouds.
Sneaking winter.
Normality knocking, austerity, hits down below, like a woolly fist,
the emptiness, the void, sucking.
Drugged soul, pleading for more, on knees, to the cosmics,
craving for that spark, that Dangiška,
that unendlessness in time.

That smile


laimė: happiness
Dangiška: beautiful, heavenly
Nepabaigiamumas: endlessness, infinity