
24 September, 2013

Getting a couple of ideas together concerning Phoenix

Categories Society

Started to collect the ideas I have about Phoenix in a single paper. Although I have done some work with a client, I realised whilst I was writing, that a lot more needs to be thought about. See the stub of ideas

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Keeping money out when helping with Phoenix

Submitted by Ian  blog 12 March, 2013

Categories Society

When offering support for Phoenix, it is necessary to set up some basic rules of what is allowed and what not. One of the topics is “Should monetary help be offered or not?”. The problem is that as soon as money comes into the “offering help” arena, people tend to start to think more of the money instead of the core basics.

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Helping fallen people to fly again

Submitted by Ian  blog 5 December, 2012

Categories Society

Nobody knows what somebody goes through when their company they have been building over the years goes bust until they have actually experienced themselves. The pressure is enormous and it is not surprising that people commit suicide. Some are lucky in that they have somebody who will stand bye their side and give them moral as well as material support - others have nobody.

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