This Site

15 December, 2013

So I hit the 80 poems mark

Categories The Arts

Just had a look at how many poems I have got on this site, Over 80 pieces.

I have started to add categories as a means to find and sort. The trouble is, like with any kind of natural system, the more stuff and structure you have, the more energy you need to manage it. I hope to reduce this energy by using a lot of automatic wizardry stuff in the background but the groundwork has to be laid first.

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Bringing contents together into one site

Categories Work

I was half-operating two websites: The technocrat WizSein and my ‘artisian’, with an empty My orginal thoughts was to use IanLive as an aggregator for all activities.

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Submitted by Ian  blog 4 March, 2013

Categories Work

I operate several servers. One of them was showing a high traffic. Normally one is pleased when there is traffic but this time if was from over 100 users who were entering lots of comments full of advertising links - they were adding at least 4 comments each minute.

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Old poems now added

Submitted by Ian  blog 16 October, 2012

Categories The Arts

In the 70’s I wrote a collection of poems which I self published under the name “Miscellany”. I have now added them to this website. They can be found under the tag “Miscellany 1975”.

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CW 39: My other self online

Categories Work

All my life I have been interested in the arts and dabbled here and there over the last few decades, but most of my creative energy has flowed into the industrial “arts” like the conception of technical systems and objects and getting things going.

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A (k)not so clever header

Categories The Arts

I was thinking about a quote for the header of the site.
To tell the truth I wanted to have something intellectual, be cool, totals, man.

So this popped out:

…I am not what I am not,
And what is not is not what is not not
For what is not may not not not

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Am I an artist?

Categories The Arts

Over the last few weeks I have been asked if I am an artist. My answer has always been “No”.


Because for me an artist was somebody who had perhaps studied the arts, paints /sculptures/video-creation regularly but had definitely had a couple of exhibitions.

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This site: Building structure

Submitted by Ian  blog 22 June, 2012

Categories Work

Spent a couple of hours building the structure of this site.

Of course by definition, this site will also be a “product” with a life cycle, costs, customers, etc.

I don’t think most people who have sites think this way - they just plunge ahead - kind of “…gotta have something online because its expected of me”.

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