By Ian | 1 January, 2013

So I hit the 80 poems mark

Just had a look at how many poems I have got on this site, IanLive.com: Over 80 pieces.

I have started to add categories as a means to find and sort. The trouble is, like with any kind of natural system, the more stuff and structure you have, the more energy you need to manage it. I hope to reduce this energy by using a lot of automatic wizardry stuff in the background but the groundwork has to be laid first.

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Classifying and publishing old materials

Whilst revamping my website, I was going through my old poems from my “youth” ;-) years and checking them out. I was at the time under pressure to get the collection of poems finished and took some short cuts.

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Bringing contents together into one site

Categories Work

I was half-operating two websites: The technocrat WizSein and my ‘artisian’ wizian.me, with an empty IanLive.com. My orginal thoughts was to use IanLive as an aggregator for all activities.

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Getting rid of dementia

Interesting to hear that demency has now been put on the international political agenda, with the G8 declaring their support to commit resources, share information and to foster international collaboration.

With a large proportion of the population getting older, and with people’s life expectancy going into the 90s and 100’s, dementia is one of societies biggest problems as well as enormous cost factors.

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Getting a couple of ideas together concerning Phoenix

Started to collect the ideas I have about Phoenix in a single paper. Although I have done some work with a client, I realised whilst I was writing, that a lot more needs to be thought about. See the stub of ideas

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Getting a stub going for Whyyte's website

Categories Work

Over the last couple of weeks I have helped getting a stub going for Whyyte’s website.

Some of the requirements where:

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Keeping money out when helping with Phoenix

Categories Society

When offering support for Phoenix, it is necessary to set up some basic rules of what is allowed and what not. One of the topics is “Should monetary help be offered or not?”. The problem is that as soon as money comes into the “offering help” arena, people tend to start to think more of the money instead of the core basics.

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Categories Work

I operate several servers. One of them was showing a high traffic. Normally one is pleased when there is traffic but this time if was from over 100 users who were entering lots of comments full of advertising links - they were adding at least 4 comments each minute.

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Who are the greatest change agents?

Categories Society

An odd thought went through my mind: Who are the greatest change agents of the last 300 years who have changed the lives of 1 billion people (1,000,000,000)?

One springs to mind:

  • TimBL (Sir Timothy Berners-Lee) for the internet URL system and the easy access to information, doing services

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